Banana-protein bread recipe

So I’ve been looking for a good alternative for questbars. I love my questies, but I’ve been eating soooPicsArt_1422188847215 many of them, some days up to 3 or 4! I track everything, don’t worry, but it’s been heavy on my wallet. They used to cost even more over here, now it’s about 20 euro’s for a box containing 12. I’ve tried a couple of different homemade protein cupcakes, but in the end it wasn’t really what I wanted. Until I found a basic recipe for a nice bananabread by the lovely @jonboklofffitness on instagram. I adjusted the recipe quite a bit to fit my needs, here it is! It is so delicious! It contains more carbs than a questbar, but hey, it tastes good and has 17 grams of protein in 1 slice! The whole bread contains 30 pp, and because I want it to be 5pp like a questie, I divided it by 6, but those are huge chunks, so it’s easily divided by 8 or 10, making it a lot lower in pp per piece. I used oatflour and coconut flour. You can experiment by using different type of flours, but adjust the amount of ‘wet’ content when you use less coconutflour, because this type of flour makes stuff more dry and your PicsArt_1422188885239bread needs more wet ingredients to compensate.

Nutritional information:

The whole bread contains 1441 kcal, 30 gr fat, 179 gr carbs and 101 gr protein. A 1/6 slice contains 240 kcal, 5 gr fat, 30 gr carbs and 17 gr protein.


  • 2 bananas
  • 80 gr of oatflour
  • 70 gr of coconutflour
  • 4 egg whites
  • 15 gr of raw cacao nibs (or the powder)
  • 20 gr of peanutpowder ( I used the natural type, with no other ingredients besides peanuts)
  • 1 apple (pealed)
  • 2 scoops of protein powder (I used 1 scoop of peanutbutter flavoured and 1 cookies and cream flavoured, my protein powder is 3pp per scoop)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Ground cloves
  • Vanilla extract (or use a bit of pumpkin spice to replace all these spices)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 150 ml of water
  • 15 gr goji berries (optional)
  • 15 gr mulberries (optional)


Put the oven on 180C or 350F. Use a food processor to puree the following ingredients: bananas,apple, cacaonibs, goji berries, peanutpowder and mulberries. Put it in a bowl and add the eggwhites and the water. Put all the dry ingredients (except for the baking powder) in a separate bowl or plate and mix them a bit. Now add the flour mix slowly to your bananamix and use a mixer if you have one, because it clots easily. Now add the baking powder and mix shortly. Put everything in  cake-tray, or any type you want to use. Baking time might be less for those flat large trays! I used a silicone one, because you don’t need oil, paper or anything because nothing sticks to it! Now spread everything evenly and bake for 35-40 minutes. After this, I put the oven on 140 C or 280 F and let it bake for another 15 minutes. Let it cool down a bit before you cut it!


Somebody commented about the costs, worrying that the flours and berries are costly and that this is an expensive bananabread. I was also kind of curious on how much it actually costs to make this, so I calculated everything, except the salt and the spices, because I don’t really know how to calculate them. The most costly thing was actually the eggs, as I used the best forest bred organic eggs. If you use egg whites from a box like I know you can buy in the US, the costs will significantly reduce. I used specific oat flour, but you can also process normal oats in a blender or mixer until its like flour, which can also reduce costs. The costs might also be different in different countries, but I don’t believe they will differ much! The whole loaf was 4.83 euro, which is 5.44 dollar. 1 slice would be 0.80 euro or 0.90 dollar. For me, a questbar is about 1.67 euro/1.88 dollar so it’s half of the price I would pay for a questbar.

  • Mulberries: 250 gr is 5.90 euro, 15 gr is 0.35 euro
  • Goji berries: 500 gr is 7.99 euro, 15 gr is 0.24 euro
  • Bananas: 2 for 0.40 euro
  • Apple: 1 for 0.50 euro
  • Oats flour: 1 kilo is 2.90 euro, 80 gr is 0.23 euro
  • Coconut flour: 500 gr is 3.90 euro, 70 gr is 0.55 euro
  • Eggs: 6 eggs for 2 euro, 4 eggs are 1.33 euro
  • Cacaonibs: 500 gr is 6.96, 15 gr is 0.20 euro
  • Whey protein powder: 1 bucket is 81 scoops is 34.90 euro, 2 scoops is 0.86 euro
  • Peanutbutter powder: 454 gr is 3.90 euro, 20 gr is 0.17 euro

14 thoughts on “Banana-protein bread recipe

    • Hi! I calculated the costs and updated the original post to include the costs. It turned out to be half of the cost that I spend on questbars, but can be made cheaper by using cheaper eggwhites and other cheaper alternatives for the food I used.


      • That’s good info there also forest bred organic eggs – I’ve never heard of such! I usually just buy whatever is on sale, a carton of 12 eggs is usually close to 3 USD or more in the state I live in.

        One day I’ll bake with Cacao nibs, for now I just use them as a snack and for tea. Thanks for posting this information!

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve never heard of those forest bred organic eggs either till I saw them at my shop the other day. They get the best ratings and the box says ‘happy chicken’ which made me laugh so hard I just had to buy them. They keep the chicken in a free range at a forest site, so they can walk around, find their worms, bugs and all their natural stuff they eat. The egg yolks are also a lot lighter than all the factory held chicken, which is actually a good sign, because it’s naturally not that orangy-yellow.

      Liked by 1 person

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